A poll showed a big difference in opinions, with 72.34% (34 votes) liking manga more than anime's 27.66% (13 votes). This shows how anime and...
Who Created the Anime? The history of anime goes back to the early 1900s. The first Japanese animations appeared in...
In "Attack on Titan," Eren Yeager changed from a hero to a main villain. Why did Eren, once a strong...
List of Characters - Attack on Titan The Attack on Titan series, created by Hajime Isayama, features a vast array...
Are you wondering just how many episodes of One Piece you need to watch to catch up? You're not alone!...
The One Piece anime series has won the hearts of fans worldwide, including those in the UK. Now, you can...
Ever wondered how your favourite anime characters' eyes seem so alive? Drawing anime eyes is a skill that can make...
Anime has been a global hit for many years, bringing joy to fans everywhere. The "Big 3" anime series were...